When you have debt, it is likely that you have had to endure the repetitive calling of collectors looking to retain payment. You are probably already worried about the never ending bills and the last thing that you need is a constant reminder. These calls can be a nuisance, an added stressor and may interfere with your life. Some creditors will go so far as to call your office and use embarrassing tactics to try to get you to pay a debt. This issue has been recognized and there are laws that can be used to protect against the unwanted interaction.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act looks to protect consumers against the abuse and deception that may be endured from debt collectors. Through it, creditors are limited in the times that they can call homes to between the hours of 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. They also cannot repetitively call a line and harass the person through continual ringing of the phone. Many debtors have dealt with calls at all hours of the night or that never seemed to end and this act allows relief from it. Creditors are not always going to adhere to it on their own and they may bend the rules or ignore them all together, hoping that the debtor may not know they are accountable to it.
By working with an attorney you can have your rights protected and creditors held accountable to adhere to these terms. Filing for bankruptcy can also be a great aid in this process. Automatic stay is a part of bankruptcy that with a few exceptions prevents collectors from taking action once the bankruptcy petition has been filed. Speak with a Long Island bankruptcy attorney from our firm to learn about the steps that can be taken to protect you for debt collectors’ calls or other forms of abuse.